Thursday, February 24, 2011

**SpRiNg BrEaK**

After doing that standard 7th grade title for this blog, ill switch back in to grown up mode... or at least college mode.

Spring break is a week from tomorrow. I could NOT be more excited. Its my last spring break and chance to get away from Witt before I graduate (weird).. and im thrilled.

I was supposed to go on spring break with a group of like six girls.. but conveniently, the day before we were supposed to book, three dropped out. So then there was just three of us. And suddently we couldnt afford anything other than a shack on the beach.. which frankly, I was fine with, as long as i had a bottle and I was on a beach.

But however, my friends mom heard we were going to a shit hole and threw a fit. She said she wouldnt let three pretty girls go on spring break and stay some place cheap, which automatically translates to shitty and unsafe.

So she says.... Ill pay for the whole thing. Pick some place nice.

In which case... Ill be staying six nights seven days at the Hilton Resort in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in approximately one week. CLUTCH. And I only had to buy a cheap flight.

Sometimes you get handed the right cards. So basically I cant wait. My spring break is gonna be filled with tanning, drinking, sleeping, drinking, and tanning. And its going to be GREATTTT.

Pictures to come. Pending survival.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friend or Foe... Forever or For Now?

For my big story that I am working on through out this semester is a story based on college friendships. I am interested in looking at how your friendships evolve through out your time at Wittenberg. For instance, why you cling to certain people your freshman year, but by your senior year, you often dont even speak to them anymore. I want to look at factors that affect changing friendships, or forming new ones, such as rushing a sorority or fraternity, secret societies, or a sport you play. I am also going to look at why friendships end through college. Aspects related to this are changes in relationships, friends that steal your boyfriends, etc. Finally, I want to look at how friendships are maintained when you leave Wittenberg, and why you stay in touch with some people, and lose touch with others.

People that I am going to interview will vary in year (Freshman-Seniors), gender (both males and females), different sports teams (football, swimming, dance, etc), people in different sororities/fraternities, and even focusing on some post-grads to see how they were able to maintain friendships after witt.

Does anyone have any suggestions of certain people I can interview, perhaps that had a friendship falling out, or a drastic change in social groups? Let me know:)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wittenberg High

I think Wittenberg is a much more expensive, and hillier, version of my high school. Is that just me?

I swear, everyone knows everything about everyone else, and everyone gets into everyone elses business. And god forbid you hook up with someone, by the next day youll run into them in the library, or walking to class, or even in the hper. You cant escape your mistakes, because they are probably in your 10:20 class Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

I feel as if I should be required to take a gym class, and have a lunch period in the north cafeteria.

But what do we do about it? Nothing. We put our ipods in our ears (a distraction so you dont have to talk to anyone), keep your head down, and strut up the Meyers hill, trying to pretend you arent out of breath, all while managing to not get wrapped up in the drama at Wittenberg high.

Best Commercials

Ive been watching the superbowl for an hour now and I have got to tell you, DORITOS HAVE SOME HILARIOUS COMMERCIALS.

By far the best one so far is the one with the goldfish/dead grandpa... do you know what im talking about? Its seriously so great.

YOUTUBE IT... I just looked for the link and couldnt find it.. maybe its not up yet?
Check back.. its worth it.

Superbowl: What It Means To Me

So as im sitting here, about to watch the superbowl, I realized that Im about to experience another superbowl, like millions of other people around the world.

After pondering this for a few minutes, while staring at the spread in front of me (buffalo chicken dip, two kinds of chips, salsa, hotdogs wrapped in bacon, mozerella sticks, ranch and hot sauce (can you say fat??)), and SEVEN cases of beer, I thought about what it is that makes the superbowl exciting, and why so many people watch it.

First of all, the commercials. Half the people that tune in to watch the superbowl could honestly care less about the game itself. Id bet that half the people watching done even know whos watching, let alone root for one team over the other. Companys are paying some outrageous amount of money, for a quick 30 seconds of commercial time.

Secondly, people watch for the food. Coming from my own spread of food (okay, im not LITERALLY alone, im with a group of people), the food during the superbowl is SO DANK, that you cant help but use the superbowl as an excuse to max out on food.

Finally, there are a large amount of people that actually watch for the game. Personally, the BEARS should have been in the superbowl, so I could care less who wins, but I guess some people actually care, and are die hard fans for either the Packers or the Steelers.

In the meantime, Ill be maxing out on delcious food, and waiting for commercial breaks.