Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Least Favorite Thing About Wittenberg

Id have to say, despite the many things I dislike about Wittenberg, my least favorite thing would have to be the PRICE. Honestly, the price of tuition is just absolutely RIDICULOUS. If you add up all the expenses you have in one year here, you are paying a small fortune. And I cant help but think about all the other things I could be spending my money on if it werent Wittenberg. Dont get me wrong, I understand that prestigious univeristies call for higher prices, but some of the things here are just damn overpriced. Like the CDR for example. We pay something like $12 PER MEAL at the CDR, when on many occasions, all you may get is a piece of fruit, or a bagel. Thats just ludicrous if you ask me.

Wittenberg is overpriced. Plain and simple. That has to be my least favorite thing about this place.

My Favorite Thing About Wittenberg

Im not really sure if I have a FAVORITE thing about Witt. I mean there are a lot of things you could say I enjoy about Wittenberg.

For one, the people. I would have to say that the people here that I have met that have made a positive impact in my life are the biggest thing that I like about Wittenberg. But they're not the only thing.

I also like the campus itself. Its small in size, so I dont have to run to class if I sleep in late, not to mention its aesthetically beautiful. And the fact that it is so hilly is a great plus when ice storms hit, stopping us from being able to walk to class:)

I also really like the atmosphere. Because its so small I feel comfortable most of the places I go, whether it be in classes, or out on the weekends.

There are a lot of things I love about Wittenberg... but then again, there are also a handful of things I dont love so much... 

(see next blog)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Lack of Blogs

So I have decided that although we have a required amount of blogs for this class, it seems that we are all lackng, MAC INCLUDED. I think that the reasons for this are a. lack of time and b. lack of interest in blogging.. mainly because we have nothing to blog about.

I think if we come up with a list of certain topics for blogs, we can assign 2 topics for each remaining week, and that way people will know what to blog about and when. And then we will all stay on top of them.

But seriously.. Mac, if you are lacking in your OWN blogs, you cant hardly get mad that we havent kept up on ours :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Things To Look Forward To

With the end of the year vastly approaching, there is a long list of things that we have to look forward to. So I have decided to dedicate this particular blog to that list, so that whenever you feel stressed about school, you can think of all the things to get excited about.

1. Warm weather- After spring break every day is warmer than the next.. its unlikely that we will have any more snow, and the sun is much warmer now, so every day that the sun is out feels warmer.
2. Classes winding down- By the end of the semester, many of our classes will be winding down, and we can expect less work (at least for the seniors)
3. St. Patricks Day- Thursday is going to be a rowdy day, filled with green drinks and lots of wild parties (green jello shots.. helloooo)
4. Witt Fest- By the end of April, Wittfest will be here, which is single handlidly one of the most exciting days of the semester- especially for those of us who are celebrating our last Wittfest. Not to mention the performer, which will be announced at the beginning of April... Girl Talk is the current rumor.
5. Station- The end of the year is a constant excuse to travel to station for afternoon drinks with friends, or to just unwind from the stresses of school.
6. Graduation week- The week before graduation is constant celebrating, partying, and drinking. Its sure to be the greatest week of the entire year.
7. GRADUATION- For many of us seniors, this is the moment we have all been waiting for. Its time to leave Wittenberg behind, step on that damn seal, and be proud of yourself for making it all four year at this bubble of a college.


Intentions Failed

So I had full intentions of blogging over spring break... HOWEVER, I realized my hotel internet cost some absurd amount of money, and the chances of me, intoxicated, trying to figure out how to blog on my iPhone were slim to none.

So here I am, back in good old Springfield, depressed that its cold, and Im not laying on a beach.

Spring break went by WAYY TOOO FASTTT. I hate that its over already.

Some things that were done on spring break...

1. excessive drinking
2. lack of sleeping
3. swimming in the ocean
4. bars until 5 am
5. AMAZING food (crab legs, sushi, shrimp, etc.. YUM)
6. laying by the pool
7. travelling around Ft. Lauderdale trying to find where to go
8. making new friends :)

All in all spring break was AWESOMEEEE and I wish I could go back RIGHT NOW.

But I cant. :(

Until next year....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Warning: Spring Break Is Almost Here

I have decided that since a. I am behind in my blogs and b. this is a great idea that c. I am going to be blogging over spring break.. while in fort rowdy... i mean, fort lauderdale.

With that said, this comes as a warning.

My blogs are sure to be inconsistent, spelled incorrectly, probably jibberish/not much sense, and finally, extremely entertaining.

Spring break is expected to be filled with lots of (legal) alcohol drinking, little food consumption, excessive tanning, and out of control partying.

Expect my blogs to be the same.

Have fun fellow journalists... Dont do anything I wouldnt do!:)