Sunday, March 13, 2011

Intentions Failed

So I had full intentions of blogging over spring break... HOWEVER, I realized my hotel internet cost some absurd amount of money, and the chances of me, intoxicated, trying to figure out how to blog on my iPhone were slim to none.

So here I am, back in good old Springfield, depressed that its cold, and Im not laying on a beach.

Spring break went by WAYY TOOO FASTTT. I hate that its over already.

Some things that were done on spring break...

1. excessive drinking
2. lack of sleeping
3. swimming in the ocean
4. bars until 5 am
5. AMAZING food (crab legs, sushi, shrimp, etc.. YUM)
6. laying by the pool
7. travelling around Ft. Lauderdale trying to find where to go
8. making new friends :)

All in all spring break was AWESOMEEEE and I wish I could go back RIGHT NOW.

But I cant. :(

Until next year....

1 comment:

  1. Won't you be in the real world next year? I don't think they get spring breaks...
