Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Favorite Thing About Wittenberg

Im not really sure if I have a FAVORITE thing about Witt. I mean there are a lot of things you could say I enjoy about Wittenberg.

For one, the people. I would have to say that the people here that I have met that have made a positive impact in my life are the biggest thing that I like about Wittenberg. But they're not the only thing.

I also like the campus itself. Its small in size, so I dont have to run to class if I sleep in late, not to mention its aesthetically beautiful. And the fact that it is so hilly is a great plus when ice storms hit, stopping us from being able to walk to class:)

I also really like the atmosphere. Because its so small I feel comfortable most of the places I go, whether it be in classes, or out on the weekends.

There are a lot of things I love about Wittenberg... but then again, there are also a handful of things I dont love so much... 

(see next blog)

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